RPA - Robotic Process Automation

Machine teaching, not learning
Most conventional AI systems rely on analysing millions of images of objects to compare and identify a new one. Making them work in a business system also requires specific coding skills. Consectus works differently by training the bot to look for images expected to be in a specific location on a computer screen and then identifying the contents. This can be done by a non-IT person such as a business analyst, to teach the bot what the process is and therefore enable it to be automated. Once the processes are automated the bot can execute them at a much higher rate than a human.
Any human task can be set for the robot, even including interrogating other systems and processes to compute data such as redemption figures. This ability to perform these often repetitive, low value but essential tasks allows more time for branch or HQ staff. This can be especially useful in times of high demand, such as when a new product is launched.

The API is king
By using APIs (Application Progammable Interfaces) the RPA Bot is able to access other systems and interact with them in the way a human operator would do. The systems see the bot in the same way and so respond in the same way. This ensures consistency and therefore reduces operational risk. The RPA bot can easily replace error prone manual re-keying of data from one system to another.
Operational efficiency
RPA robots can operate 24 hours a day and so many tasks can be performed overnight and at weekends. A typical RPA “agent” can comfortably handle the same volume of work as five or more human operators. Almost anything that previously required manual data entry can now be automated. Accounts can be opened, balances checked, settlement figures calculated. Audit trails are complete and manual error eliminated.

See RPA in action
This short video is a live recording of how the RPA tool will fill in your forms with data from other sources or systems at a speed that outstrips human operators and with 100% accuracy.