Why Consectus

Agility, Innovation and Technology

The technology might appear small in scale but it can rapidly grow to accommodate your expansion. You might think that coming from a small company, it can’t possibly be as good as what the “big boys” produce. But just because we’ve taken a different approach (for example our AI Chatbot which uses a Machine Teaching approach instead of the more common machine learning) that doesn’t mean the product is less functional or less powerful.

We have capabilities in our banking app that major clearing banks do not, but which are actually important to a small society seeking to modernise and expand without losing its existing values and customers.

Our agile development methods with our in-house team allow us to respond quickly to changing needs and market opportunities.

There are plenty of reasons why you might consider Consectus but the most important one is that we exist because of you. We don’t chase business from the mega banks. We understand how you work and what is important to you, your customers and your members. That’s “Why Consectus”.

Agile Fintech Company

Consectus is focused solely on the Financial Services market and provides innovative technology products and solutions to building societies and smaller banks. Our small size allows us to deliver quickly and responsively. Yes, we use “Agile” methods in our development team but we’re also nimble and flexible in delivering what our customers need. The products are innately configurable and open, as well as being highly functional. But they are equally not a “one size fits all”. If you need something different, let us know.

Focused on Financial Services Innovation

Innovation is key to the new generation of financial services companies. That includes existing players who need to change and renew the way they engage their customers as well as new entrants carving out a different niche or a game-changing approach in the mainstream markets. We don’t just wait for new ideas to come in; we actively listen to and engage our customers to understand their plans, vision and challenges, then work together to deliver the capabilities to meet them.

Robust, Reliable, Scalable

More so than most businesses, Financial Services needs high levels of availability to support its customers. The old days of being constrained to branch opening hours are long gone. So the systems that support those needs must also be secure, robust, resilient and able to scale up, or down, in line with constantly changing demand. If a new product is launched demand can increase in hours so the systems must do the same. Our RPA tool does exactly that.

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